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Aria Asmuth ’23

Justice For All? ¿Justicia para todos?
This project is a podcast holding a series of interviews with Spanish-speaking and LatinX-descendant people around Monterey County. I will explore the resources that people lack in the U.S. and/or problems and social injustices they face, and later brainstorm ideas on how to resolve some of these problems. Each interviewee will be asked about their number one challenge in the U.S., and these responses will be included in an original song to be shared about the issue.

York School

9501 York Road
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: 831-372-7338
We inspire and prepare a diverse community of creative, independent thinkers.
Since 1959, York School has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create and try new things; and preparing them to be passionate contributors in college and in life.