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The curriculum of the Technology Department of York is designed to foster problem solving abilities, stimulate intellectual curiosity about technology, and prepare students to be effective content creators. Objectives for all courses offered include fostering procedural proficiency when working with computers, discerning what tools are apt for a given task, and gaining familiarity with ethical issues surrounding technology.
York’s Design Shop is a teaching and learning space dedicated to hands-on, active learning, creativity, and innovation, where students access space for tinkering, making, fabricating, and building across subject areas and grade levels and in interdisciplinary STEAM experiences. The Design Shop supports robust learning opportunities that ensure York students will be future-ready for the exciting challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
  • AP Computer Science A

    Online Course
    The AP Computer Science A course is an online course taught asynchronously through One Schoolhouse. This course introduces the key concepts of programming in Java. The analytical, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills that students develop in this course transfer to programming in other languages as well. The course is designed with the idea that programming should be fun, engaging, and intuitive. Students will learn to apply the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming using classes and objects, constructors, methods, instance and static variables, inheritance, class hierarchies, and polymorphism. Students work creatively and collaboratively with their classmates to discuss ethical and social issues relating to the use of technology, and develop a solid foundation from which to launch into a wide range of computer science areas. This course prepares students for the AP® Computer Science A exam in May.
  • Code+Design

    C+D is a hands-on, project-based, service-learning course designed to expose students to general computing methodology necessary for all citizens in the 21st century. Rather than focus on a particular language, students will explore multiple platforms while designing and programming computer applications, mobile applications, websites, robots, and custom-built machines. Students will also work on a project that applies technology to serve a real-world audience (such as building exhibits to install at local museums). 
  • Technological Entrepreneuralism

    Technological Entrepreneurialism is a project-based course for students who have successfully completed the Code+Design course and would like to continue their project work independently. Students are charged with incubating and launching a startup beginning with a proposal that addresses the purpose and audience for the project. Students follow the design-thinking process and document their work in a website they create. The Design Shop is available for students to collaborate, prototype, test, and deliver their work.


  • Photo of Kevin Brookhouser
    Kevin Brookhouser
    Director of Technology & Innovation
  • Scott Boynton
    Arts Department (Tech Theatre & Digital Media); Technology Department
  • Photo of Grace Khieu
    Grace Khieu
    Media Specialist

York School

9501 York Road
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: 831-372-7338
We inspire and prepare a diverse community of creative, independent thinkers.
Since 1959, York School has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create and try new things; and preparing them to be passionate contributors in college and in life.